Erasure of fat cells body process
What kind of repressed feeling, experience or memory do you have that you locked into fat cells? What are you or your body defending with your fat? How much do you keep your distance with sex and sexuality because of this? What is possible by
dissolving these fat cells and consequently the traumas locked into them?
- You will start losing weight, even if you tried a lot of things but none of them worked
- Dissolves emotional and sexual traumas
- Gives awareness of emotional manipulation
- Helps to acknowledge your power and being
- Step out of self-destroying and self-harming patterns
- Step out of feeling worthless - Process abuse and manipulation that causes depreciation of your being and dissolves your fat if you use it as a
protection against sex
- Live with a healthy self-image and body image and emotional sexuality
Will you choose it? Can this treatment be a contribution to you and your body?